Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Dog Banner

Happy Tuesday! We had a really nice long weekend. Our main focus was our big to do list and relax! Of course there was lots of BBQ's and yummy food! I hope you all had a nice weekend and were able to take a moment to remember all those who have fallen and those that serve our country.

This project was created for a photographer friend of mine, who had his studio all set up at the local animal rescue fair. I was more than happy to help and make a banner for the background. Anything for the animals! When you have a moment hop on over to his facebook page and/or website. Make sure you tell them K (heart) Studio sent you :)

CS: Prism. Embossing Folder: Provo Craft. Ribbon: May Arts. Die Cuts: Cricut.

Poodle me this?! 

I love dogs! 
Photo Credit: JKS Imagery

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Goodies and Cool Blogs

I must be one lucky lady because I have won some cool prizes lately! I wanted to share the prizes and the amazing ladies blogs as well! I can't wait to get crafting and utilize all the goodies!

A cool kit! 

This kit I got from the lovely Leslie Webster! Her stuff rocks, when you get a chance head over to her blog and check it out! Dictionary's Creative Space. I can't wait to play with this kit and I am so excited for the color ink, as I don't have any, so its a great way to get my collection started! Thanks Leslie for the kit!

One rockin book! 
I had taken some time off to get myself better and along the way, I won this book from the wonderful Lisa Swift. She was nice enough to email me to let me know I won too, how cool is that?! She has an amazing blog too, Remember the Good Time. I just got the book yesterday and only got to peek at it, but so far its awesome! I can't wait to try some of the projects out. Thanks again Lisa! 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Teacher Appreciation Crafts

It has been busy but good here. Hunter has lots going on with his Search and Rescue training and is almost ready to go to the next level! I need to get down to getting a schedule for my days so I don't dilly dally and play on facebook lol.

Teacher appreciation week recently passed and I got asked to make some goodies for my friends favorite teachers! How could I say no, I love being crafty :) Did you make any crafty goodies for your child/children teacher? I would love to see your projects, leave a link the comments section so I can check it out!

Teacher Card by K (heart) Studio
PP, Stickers: Junkitz. Die Cut: Unknown (speech bubble). Stamp: Stampin Up (Apple) & Junkitz (Journal Box & I love School). Cardstock: Michaels. Ink: Tsukineko.

Teacher Card by K (heart) Studio
PP: Junkitz. Die Cuts: Sizzix (Glue, Pencil & Notebook). Stamp: Junkitz (Journal Box & I love School) & Art Warehouse (Paper Lines). Cardstock: Michaels. Ink: Tsukineko. Ribbon: May Arts. 

Teacher Poem for Mason Jar by K (heart) Studio
CS: Prism. PP: Simple Stories. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Foodie Friday: Cornbread

Hello and I am back! I took some time off to get my rest and get better. I am still not feeling 100% but I missed being crafty, my blog and blog friends :) Thank you everyone for the kind messages to check in on me.

So today I am up with Foodie Friday! The last recipe was chili and what doesn't go better with chili than cornbread. Just typing this up makes me want to make some more!

K (heart) Studio Foodie Friday Cornbread


1 1/3 Cups Yellow Corn Meal
1 1/2 Cups Flour
3/4 Cup Sugar
1 1/2 Tsp Baking Powder
1/2 Tsp Baking Soda
1/2 Tsp Salt
1 1/2 Cups Buttermilk
3 Eggs
6 Tbsp Butter (melted)

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. 
2. Spray 8 inch baking pan. 
3. Mix all ingredients in bowl and combine well. 
4. Pour batter into pan, spread evenly.
5. Cook for 30 minutes or until brown on sides.

*I used milk instead of buttermilk, well because I didn't have any :) 
*I ended up using a smaller pan so it took longer to cook and still couldn't get the middle to cook. So I would say the larger the pan the better. 
*Thanks to Publix for the recipe! 

Friday, May 2, 2014

Foodie Friday: No Bother Chili

Been an interesting week as I handle being a Lymie and the antibiotics. I was able to spend some time in my craft room and I have been organizing my stamps. Its a never ending process, but I think I got a good system set up :)

Here is one of my favorite recipe's, No Bother Chili. You can eat this by itself or with nachos, hubby likes it with pasta, but thats not my thing :D This is making me hungry just typing about it!

K (heart) Studio Chili Recipe

No Bother Chili

1/2 - 1 Pound Ground Beef
1/2 Large Onion
1 Cup (8 oz) Tomato Sauce
2 Cups (16 oz) Diced Tomatos 
1 Tablespoon Chili Powder
1 Can (15 oz) Dark Kidney Beans
1/2 Tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce

1. In a large pot, brown the ground beef and drain.
2. Add the remaining ingredients.
3. Bring to a boil.
4. Lower temperature and simmer for about 15 minutes.
5. Let cool and enjoy!

*The ground beef amount doesn't have to be exact, if you have less on hand or like less, then thats ok :)
*Don't forget the sides: Sour cream, crackers or cheese!
*Got Leftovers? I freeze the remaining for another day.
*This recipe is great on nachos, hot dogs or anything you like. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Happy Birthday Design Team Cards

Hello Everyone! Well Its been interesting here, I got bitten by a tick and now I am a "Lymie". So I am on my medication and taking it easy. But I wanted to share some of my recent design team creations for The Creative Nook. As soon as I got this Happy Birthday Die from Elizabeth Craft Designs, I knew what I wanted to make! The cards came out really cute and I have to say the candle design is my favorite!!!

birthday card die cut cardstock rainbow
White CS: Michaels. Ribbon: May Arts. Die Cut: Elizabeth. CS: Prism.

k (heart) studio, birthday, card, candles, cardstock, die cuts
White CS: Michaels. Die Cut: Elizabeth (Happy Birthday) & Quickutz (Flame). CS: Prism. Pen: American Crafts. Markers: Copic. Punch: Fiskars.